Much-branched but sometimes open, spreading shrub to 70 cm. Branchlets flattened, angular, slightly zig-zag, becoming terete, often orange-brown, striate when dried. Leaves linear, oblong or narrowly ovate, not or slightly retuse, obtusely uncinate, 2-6 mm long, thick, concave to canaliculate, falling after c. 1 year leaving prominent transverse scars; floral leaves scarcely wider than stem leaves. Pedicel and hypanthium together 1-2 mm long. Calyx 0.4 mm long, unevenly lobed. Corolla 4-5 mm long, papillose in throat, a few hairs behind stamens. Stamens c. 2 mm long; staminodes c. 3 mm long, deeply bifid, papillose in lower half. Style 3 mm long. Drupe obpyriform to ellipsoidal, 8-10 mm long, pale green, scarcely succulent, faintly striate when dried, the calyx persistent as an apical collar.