Flowers heterostylous, in sessile mostly subglobose 1-many-flowered inflorescences supported by the 2 terminal leaves or sometimes the apical internodes suppressed and lower axillary inflorescences joined with the terminal one and apparently supported by a whorl of 4 leaves, up to 4–9 mm. in diameter in fruit but minute specimens may bear only 1 fruit; pedicels often purplish, 0.2–1.5 mm. long, sometimes papillate.
Leaf blades 0.25–2.2 cm. x 0.1–1.5 mm. wide, linear to linear-lanceolate, acute at the apex, scarcely narrowed at the base, scabridulous-pubescent or glabrous or glabrous above and scabridulous on margins and midrib beneath, revolute; petiole not developed; stipule sheath 0.7–2 mm. long, divided into (1)2–5 filiform pubescent setae 0.5–3.5 mm. long.
Slender strict annual herb 2–20 cm. tall, with either unbranched or single branched stems with some of the branchlets basal and almost as long as or overtopping the main stem; stems angled, densely to sparsely scabridulous with short papilla-like hairs, particularly on the angles.
Capsule 0.9–1.8 mm. tall (including the beak), 1.2–1.8 mm. wide, subglobose to transversely oblate, papillate, slightly scabridulous or glabrous, the beak very rounded, scarcely raised c. 0.5 mm. tall, the persistent calyx lobes slightly decurrent.
Corolla white, pink, bluish white or pale mauve; tube slender, 2–3.3 mm. long, widened at the throat, upper half hairy inside in short-styled forms, throat densely barbate in long-styled forms; lobes 1–1.5 x 0.7–0.9 mm., oblong-elliptic.
Calyx tube 0.6–0.8 mm. long, ovoid or subglobose, scabridulous; lobes often purplish, 1–3 x mostly 0.1–0.2 mm., linear-lanceolate, probably attaining the maximum length only in fruit, the margins scabridulous-ciliate.
Style 2 mm. long in short-styled flowers, the stigma lobes 0.8 mm. long, 3.3–4.3 mm. long in long-styled flowers, the stigma lobes 0.3–1 mm. long.
Filaments exserted 1 mm. in short-styled flowers, included in the throat in long-styled flowers.
Seeds brown, 0.25–0.35 mm. long, ellipsoid, reticulate, the testa cells granular.