Erect suffrutex, woody at base, 0.2-0.7 m high; glabrous. Leaves crowded at nodes, linear to obovate. Inflorescences elongating racemes, up to 250 mm long; peduncles finely ribbed. Flowers white, rarely pinkish; pedicels wanting; bracts shorter than flowers. Petals 2, narrow, exceeding sepals, tardily deciduous. Ovary subglobose to obovoid, ± 3.5 mm long; shallowly sulcate, carpels 4 or 5, not completely fused at top, with 4 or 5 apical, conical teeth bearing stigmatic surfaces; ovules 6 per placenta, in 2(3) rows. Flowering time Dec.? Fruit a sessile capsule, (sub)globose to (ob)ovoid, bladdery, mouth contracted between cuspidate teeth. Seeds many, ovoid-globular, brown-black; testa glossy.
Perennial or rarely annual, up to 700 mm tall, often rough. Leaves linear, (2-)4-14 (-35) x 0.3-1.5(-3) mm, often tufted. Flowers in long, slender, terminal spikes, small, whitish, stamens mostly 8-12. Fruit a ± spherical to oblong-ovoid capsule, 3-6 x 2-3.5 mm.
Perennial to 70 cm, often rough. Leaves linear, often tufted. Flowers in terminal spikes, whitish, stamens mostly 8-12.