Petals 1–1·5(2) mm. long, up to 0·5(1) mm. wide, yellow or white, mostly narrow, with a few hairs inside at base but scales densely pubescent so that the whole centre of the flower appears choked with hairs.
Flowers in mostly dense many-flowered inflorescences, the peduncles branched and pedicels mostly densely shortly pubescent; bracts very small.
Calyx-tube and combined receptacle 3–6 mm. long, more or less cylindrical, narrowed to the base, mostly pale, glabrous.
Very closely allied indeed to the last species (Olinia rochetiana), differing in little but the petal size.
Tree or shrub 2·4–25 m. tall; stems often shortly densely pubescent at apex, less often quite glabrous.
Fruit 6 mm. in diameter, ?white, globose.