Small, erect, epiphytic herbs, with approximate, elliptic-oblong, compressed, longitudinally ridged, monophyllous pseudobulbs 5-7 cm. long and 2-3 cm. wide, densely spotted or suffused with brown, enveloped below in the conduplicate, distichously imbricating bases of several bracts, the uppermost 2 of which are conspicuously foliaceous. Leaves and bract blades ligular, obtuse, subcoriaceous, 11-13 cm. long and 1.2-1.6 cm. wide, contracted below into narrow, conduplicate petioles. Inflorescences solitary, erect or arching, many-flowered panicles up to about 75 cm. long, produced from the lateral bases of the pseudobulbs, the lateral branches very short, 1-to 3-flowered. Flowers small, 1.2-1.5 cm. in diameter. Sepals free, spreading, shortly clawed at the base, brown with yellow tips, the dorsal sepal elliptic-oblong, obtuse, shortly apiculate, 5-6 mm. long and about 3 mm. wide, the lateral sepals rather obliquely lanceolate, acute, with prominent dorsal keels, about 6 mm. long and 2.5 mm. wide. Petals clawed at the base, somewhat broader than the sepals, spreading, brown with yellow tips, oblong-ovate, obtuse, about 6 mm. long and 3.5 mm. wide. Lip pandurate, 3-lobed, 8-9 mm. long and 5-6 mm. wide, the frontal and lateral lobes yellow, the isthmus brown, the lateral lobes small, auriculate, with subacute deflexed apices, the central portion of the lip abruptly contracted into a broad isthmus, the mid-lobe emarginate and 2-lobed, subreniform, slightly exceeding the lateral lobes in width, the disk with a prominent, pubescent, 4-lobulate callus at the base, at first pure white, becoming yellow with age. Column about 3 mm. long, with 2 prominent lateral wings, which are rounded below and produced above into 2 erect, parallel, acuminate processes on either side of the anther.