Herbs or subshrubs, suberect; stems stout, terete to slightly compressed. Leaves in subequal pairs; petiole 1-1.5(-4) cm, pilosulous; blade drying papery to thickly papery, black adaxially, pale brown abaxially, ovate or oblong-ovate, 5-13 × 2-7 cm, glabrous on both surfaces or hirtellous along principal veins abaxially, base cuneate, rather inequilateral, margins subentire, apex shortly acuminate or subacute; secondary veins 7-12 pairs; stipules caducous, not seen. Inflorescence congested-cymose, many flowered, densely pubescent; peduncle 1-4 cm; axes 0.5-4 cm, helicoid; bracteoles narrowly lanceolate, 7-12 mm, acute, glabrous or sparsely ciliate. Flowers distylous, subsessile. Calyx densely pilosulous to puberulent; hypanthium turbinate, ca. 1.5 mm, 5-ribbed; lobes subtriangular or triangular, 0.5-0.7 mm, with 1 globose gland in each sinus. Corolla white striped with purple, subtubular or slightly swollen at base, outside glabrous and winged along entire length, inside with a ring of pubescence just below throat and/or in throat and onto lobes; tube 12-15 mm; lobes subovate, 2-3 mm, dorsally with wing 0.8-1 mm wide, apex rostrate. Capsules mitriform, ca. 3 × 10 mm, pilosulous.