Herbs or subshrubs, weak at base, ascending above, to 70 cm tall; stems subterete, densely villous with trichomes multicellular or sometimes also unicellular. Leaves in unequal pairs; petiole 0.5-2(-3) cm, stout, densely multicellular villous; blade drying thinly papery, gray-black adaxially, reddish or pale abaxially, ovate, broadly ovate, or lanceolate-ovate, larger ones 4-12(-15) × 2-4.5(-6) cm, smaller ones 2-4(-6) × 1.2-2.5 cm, both surfaces glabrescent or multicellular villous on principal veins, base obtuse to cuneate and sometimes shortly decurrent, apex acute; secondary veins 7-10 pairs; stipules caducous, not seen. Inflorescence congested-umbelliform-cymose to subcapitate, 5-to many flowered or rarely 1-flowered, densely multicellular villous; peduncle ca. 0.8 cm; axes reduced; bracts and bracteoles ovate to lanceolate, 10-15 mm, pinnately veined, glabrescent except multicellular ciliate along margin and on dorsal costa. Flowers distylous, subsessile or on stout pedicels to 2 mm. Calyx multicellular villous; hypanthium broadly turbinate, 2-2.3 mm; lobes triangular, 1-1.2 mm. Corolla white or reddened, drying purplish red, funnelform, outside with 5 strigose lines from middle of tube to apices of lobes; tube 22-25 mm, inside with white villous ring above middle; lobes subovate, ca. 5 mm, sometimes weakly reticulate-veined, dorsally narrowly winged. Capsules rhomboid, 4-4.5 × ca. 11 mm, villous. Fl. Nov.