Trees. Bark pale brown, with fine longitudinal lines of lenticels. Leaves alternate, dimorphic; margins entire or sparsely dentate. Conflorescence spike-like, axillary, simple or branched, solitary or 2 or 3 together, laxly flowered, ferruginous-tomentose; subtending bract oblong, obtuse or emarginate, caducous; floral bracts absent. Flowers zygomorphic, bisexual; receptacle straight. Tepals unequal in length, incurved, shedding soon after anthesis. Stamens 4, small, almost sessile. Hypogynous glands 2, fused, forked, adaxial. Ovary shortly stipitate; locule 1; ovules 10-12, in 2 overlapping rows; pollen presenter disc-like; stigma small, terminal. Fruit a follicle, flattened laterally. Seeds flattened, winged on three sides.