Dwarf glabrous perennials, forming very dense cushion-like tufts. Rhizome woody, much branched, the base of the branches clothed with the sheaths of decayed leaves. Stems short, rigid, obtusangular, leafy, at first hidden by the leaves, finally more or less exserted. Leaves equitant, usually exactly distichous, sometimes less regularly imbricate, rigid, narrow, canaliculate, obtusish, dark-coloured at the top; ligule absent; sheaths strongly dilated, open, light brown to purplish. Inflorescence racemose (consisting of a few axillary, solitary or binate peduncles each bearing a single spikelet), almost capitate, or reduced to a single terminal spikelet. Spikelets compressed, 1-flowered. Rachilla persistent, with very short internodes. Glumes 3-5, erect, distichous, caducous, keeled. Flower pseudoterminal (see notes). Hypogynous scales 6 (rarely 5), perianth-like, biseriate, equal, or the outer ones slightly shorter, rigid, persistent on the rachilla when the fruit has fallen off. Stamens 3; anthers linear, yellow, with shortly produced connective. Style slender, continuous with the ovary, caducous, dark brown, the base usually hardly incrassate, rarely conical and persistent on the nut; stigmas 3. Nut obovoid, ellipsoid, or pyriform, very obtusely trigonous, smooth, shining; pericarp rather thick.
Spikelets solitary, or with 1–2 lateral spikelets, 1-fld, peduncle lengthening at maturity, subtended by a lf-like bract. Fl. hermaphrodite, in the uppermost glume. Glumes 3–4, much > fls, deciduous. Hypog. scales 6, in 2 series, ± equal, ± scarious with minutely serrulate margins, remaining attached to the apex of the culm after the nut has fallen. Stamens 3. Style 3-fid, not thickened at the base, deciduous. Nut obovoid, obtuse, smooth with a star-shaped depression round the apiculate tip, or narrowed to a beak at the tip. Perennial herbs, forming dense or loose cushions. Stems densely lfy, much-branched. Lvs , rigid; lamina (at least in N.Z. spp.) broadening and bending forwards from a point a short distance above the top of the sheath; margins for the most part minutely serrulate, but teeth almost lacking from margins at middle part of lf, and ± retrorse towards base near sheath.