Trees or shrubs. Leaves spiral, simple, lobed, or pinnate. Racemes rather short, solitary or fascicled, axillary in the upper leaf-axils, or solitary and terminal. Bracts rudimentary, early caducous. Flowers showy in pairs, pedicelled, free. Perianth splitting completely into 4 segments at anthesis, tube cylindrical, straigth, limb somewhat oblique, subglobose. Anthers sessile within the concave limb, ovate, connective not or very shortly produced. Disk semi-annular or horseshoe-shaped, fleshy, inserted on the thickened, very oblique torus. Ovary on a long stipe, attenuate into a long style. Ovules ascending, imbricate, 4 or more in each of 2 rows. Style manifestly thickened and nearly truncate at the apex, with a disk-like lateral swelling bearing the rather minute stigma in its centre. Follicle stipitate, narrow-oblong, opening lengthwise at one side, with 4 or more superposed seeds on each half. Seeds suborbicular, flat-compressed, separated from each other over their whole length by a thin lamella, with an oblong unilateral and terminal wing; wing of the basal seed nearly as long and wide as the fruit, but gradually shorter in the upper seeds; funiculus ascending obliquely to the upper part of the wing.