Herb 20-55 cm tall. Basal leaves 10-45 cm long, glabrous or puberulous, margins somewhat scabrid. Inflorescence divaricate, each scape bract subtending 1-4 rhipidia on peduncles 1-7 cm long. Rhipidia 2-4-flowered, enclosed by ovate spathes 12-18 mm long with narrow scarious margins, the inner spathe longer. Flowers separated by hyaline bracteoles c. 10 mm long. Sepals and petals obovate to oblong, 15-19 mm long, 7-10 mm wide, often minutely apiculate, sparsely puberulous outside. Filaments free, c. 4 mm long; anthers 2.5-3.5 mm long. Style branches 4-7 mm long; stigmas entire. Capsule acuminate, 12-15 mm long; pedicel to 4 mm long. Seeds globose to angular, c. 2 mm diam.