A glabrous shrub or small tree. Petiole c. 32 cm, broadly channelled above, clasping base prolonged as a stipular ligule 1.5 cm long, and bearing c. 3 fimbriate crests; blade c. 40 cm long, broadly cuneate at the base, palmately 7-lobed to within c. 12 cm from the base, lobes narrowly ovate to oblong-elliptic, slightly narrowed towards the rounded sinuses, apiculate, margin denticulate. Inflorescence a terminal compound umbel; peduncle c. 2 cm, bearing lanceolate bracts c. 2 cm long (similar smaller bracts subtend the primary rays); primary rays c. 1.5 cm long, 5 mm wide, flattened, bearing opposite, terminal, persistent bracts 10-12 mm long, with lenticels and branched bristles on the back, ending in three branches; central branch c. 10 mm long terminating in a head 1 cm ø of 10-15 sessile sterile bacciform flowers (4 by 3 mm when dry, 3-celled) surrounded by an involucre of ovate bracts (3 mm long) and with minute bracts interspersed; lateral branches 4.5-5 cm long, bearing opposite ovate bracts (4 mm long) c. 8 mm above the base, terminating in a dense head c. 1 cm ø of 25-30 sessile flowers interspersed with inconspicuous obtuse fimbriate bracts. Calyx rim obsolete. Corolla 5-lobed above, tubular below. Stamens 5. Ovary 4-5-celled. Fruit unknown.