Ovary linear with 5–6 ovules; style thickened above, the upper part curved through 180° with two stigmatic surfaces on the inner grooved convex side.
Leaves glaucous, pinnately 3-foliolate; lateral leaflets almost symmetrical; stipules peltate, lanceolate, striate; stipels linear, persistent.
Flowers 2–4(5) terminating erect axillary peduncles; bracts 1–3, oblong-elliptic to lanceolate; bracteoles subtending the calyx 2-nerved.
Seeds black, reniform or ellipsoid with minute hilum, separated from each other by membranous endocarp.
Calyx tube campanulate; upper pair of calyx lobes joined, lowest lobe the longest.
Pods linear-subcylindrical, 2-valved, the valves spiralling.
Vexillary stamen partly joined to staminal sheath or free.
Trailing or erect glabrous subshrubs or woody climber.