Shrubs to small trees; branchlets terete, smooth, glabrous. Leaves with the petioles 0.5-1.2 cm long, lanceolate, rarely obovate, occasionally narrowly elliptic, 5.5-22 cm long, 2-7.5 cm wide, tapering deltoidly or acutely at the apex, usually short-acuminate, the acumen ultimately acute, cuneate to subobtuse at the base, the lamina thinly coriaceous or stiffly chartaceous, lustrous, smooth, glabrous, often drying gray-green above, the costa prominulous, the lateral veins delicately prom-inulous, usually somewhat evanescent, either very densely crowded and with little evidence of well-spaced veins dominating or with 10-12 more conspicuous and slender well-spaced veins, these at first widely arcuate then sharply ascending toward the margin, the intermediate veins crowded, the margin variable, serrulate, serrate or occasionally delicately repand along the upper %, occasionally so to the base, the teeth either evanescent and reduced to glandular punctations, these often alternating large and small, or the teeth prominent, alternating large and small, either vaguely or distinctly uncinate, or rarely divergent and argute. Inflorescences racemiform, 2.5-14 cm long, 2-4 cm wide, the rachis slender, 1-1.5 mm wide, wiry and occasionally flexuous, erect or somewhat lax, glabrous, floriferous to the base or only along the upper 23, the flowers solitary or disposed in groups of 2-3 on reduced sympodia, 1-2 (-4) mm long, the pedicels slender, often filiform, up to 10 mm long, stiff and spreading, short-articulate at the base. Flowers with the buds ovate, acute; sepals 6-9 mm long; petals yellow, ca as long as the sepals. Fruits with the receptacles (4-) 6-13 mm long, obovate or compressed-ovate, oc-casionally almost twice as long as broad, often as broad as long, the druplets widely elliptic, up to 10 mm long, constricted at the base, the pedicels lignose and stiff.