Caulescent, 5-15 cm. high, clothed with long soft pluricellular hairs. Bulb ovoid, rostrate-attenuate, up to 3 cm long, with rather soft brown tunics. Rhizome very long, coated with a rough brown tunicaceous cortex. Stem erect, 1-8 cm long, with 1-4 conspicuous brown scales. Leaves terminally congested; petioles distinctly widened below the basal articulation; leaflets 3, petiolulate, linear, linear-cuneate, oblong, elliptic-oblong, cuneate-obovate or obovate, usually emarginate, flat or conduplicate, from 0.4-3 cm long, glabrous and sometimes glaucous above, pilose, often conspicuously veined and sometimes dotted with minute orange-brown calli beneath, ciliate. Peduncles 1-fld., terminal or rarely 1-2 arising from the stem scales, often 3-4 cm long, generally exceeding the leaves, with 2 alternate or sub-opposite linear bracts on the upper part, very rarely below the middle. Sepals lanceolate or linear-lanceolate, cuspidate or apiculate, 5-9 mm long, often purple-maculate, especially on the margins. Corolla 1.8-3 cm long, pale lilac, red (soon fading to white when dried) or rarely white, with a funnel-shaped yellow tube; laminae of the petals broadly and very obliquely obovate, about twice as long as the claw, sometimes more or less purple on the outer margin beneath. Filaments: the shorter 2-4.5 mm, the longer 4-8 mm long, glandular-pilose, with short broad obtuse teeth. Ovary ovoid, glabrous or glandular-pilose on the upper half, usually callose, the chambers 2-ovuled; styles shortly glandular-pilose. Capsule sub-globose. Seeds without endosperm.
Like O. pillansiana but flowers pale lilac, red or occasionally white with yellow tube.