Stemless, up to 18 cm high. Bulb globose or ovoid, beaked at the apex, 1.5-2. long; tunics hard, blackish-brown, longitudinally nerved, often minutely bullate. Leaves 10-30; petioles 2-6 cm long, slender, sparsely villose; leaflets shortly petiolulate, very broadly obcordate, cuneate-attenuate towards the base, about 1/4-incised at the apex, 3-7 mm long, 0.5-1.1 cm broad, glabrous above, livid-purpurescent beneath. Peduncles 1-fld. or 2-fld., much longer than the leaves, very sparsely villose; bracts 2 or 4, subulate, villose, minutely callose at the apex; pedicels 1 or 2, and 3-4.5 cm long, glabrous. Sepals lanceolate, 5-7 mm long, glabrous or sparsely villose, with 2 elongate orange apical calli. Corolla 2.1-2.8 cm long, rosy-violet, with a narrowly funnel-shaped greenish-yellow tube; petals cuneate-oblanceolate, slightly attenuate towards the base, lightly veined. Filaments, the shorter 3-5 mm, the longer 5-8.5 mm long, sparsely glandular-pilose towards the apex, edentate, the longest unequal. Ovary oblong, 2-3 mm long, shortly stipitate, like the styles, villoso-pubescent, the chambers 6-ovuled.Capsule oblong, well exserted. Seeds endospermous.
Acaulescent geophyte, 12-18 cm, bulb beaked. Leaves trifoliolate, leaflets obcordate, sparsely hairy and purple beneath. Flowers 1 or 2 per peduncle, lilac with greenish tube.