Small, stemless, or with a short stem, 2-9 cm high, not tufted in habit. Bulb ovoid or narrow-ovoid, acute at the apex, 1.5-2.5 cm long; tunics thin, imbricate, brown, minutely impresso-punctate. Rhizome up to 10 cm long, with several lateral underground scale-bearing runners or stolons, producing bulbils at their apices. Stem none, or up to 1.5 cm long, densely clothed with short crispate hairs. Leaves 7-20, basal or apically congested; petioles up to 2 cm long, patently cano-pubescent, the outer often scale-like or dilated below the basal articulation; leaflets 3, shortly petiolulate, oval, elliptical or cuneate-elliptical, conduplicate-falcate, emarginate, 6-8 mm long, 4-6 mm broad when flattened, glabrous above, adpressed-pubescent beneath, ciliate. Peduncles 1-fld., 1-3 cm long, a little longer than the leaves, cano-pubescent, with 2 alternate subulate pubescent callose bracts on the upper part. Sepals lanceolate, obtuse, 4-5 mm long, pubescent, ciliate, with oblong orange calli at the apex and margins, sometimes purple-margined on the lower part. Corolla 1.7-2.1 cm long, rose-red, with a funnel-shaped yellow tube, purple-eyed at the throat; laminae of the petals obovate, 9-10 mm broad, truncate at the apex, pubescent on the outer margin beneath, with several small orange calli near the apex, rather longer than the narrow claw. Filaments, the shorter 3.5-7 mm long, the longer 7-10 mm long, minutely glandular-pilose, edentate, the longest well exserted from the corolla tube. Ovary pubescent on the upper part, with elongate red calli between the 1-2-ovuled chambers; styles pubescent at the base, shortly pluricellular-pilose above, the longest exserted. Seeds without endosperm.