Stemless, 4-6 cm high. Rhizome pubescent, thickish, glandular-pilose above, over 9 cm long. Leaves 13-30, closely imbricate and sub-basal; petioles 2-3 cm long, glandular-pilose, dilated below the articulation; leaflets 3, obcordate-obreniform, rather deeply incised, conduplicate, the medial nerve falcate, about 5 mm long, 8 mm broad, pubescent with adpressed hairs on both faces and with numerous small calli near the anterior margin, the medial shortly petiolulate and tapering somewhat cuneately to the base, the lateral sessile, oblique or unequally lobed. Peduncles as long as the leaves, glandular-pilose, articulated above the middle; bracts opposite. Sepals 5.5-6 mm long, oblong, obtuse, glandular, with several reddish apical calli. Corolla 1.8-2.2 cm long, violaceous. Filaments the longer 6 mm long, broadly toothed. Ovary pubescent near the apex, with a few reddish calli; styles pubescent.