Rather robust, stemless or with a short stem, glabrous except on the peduncles. Bulb ovoid, up to 2.5 cm long; tunics with long filiform tips, the longest surrounding the rhizome. Rhizome up to 25 cm or more long. Leaves 7-11; petioles 3-10 cm long, slightly pulvinate at the apex, the basal part, below the articulation, much widened, 3-nerved, with stipule-like membranous wings; leaflets 8-12, linear or narrowly linear-cuneate, thin, 2-5 cm long, 2-3 mm broad, emarginate, sometimes conduplicate, the medial nerve conspicuous, with 2 minute orange apical calli. Peduncles 1-fld., up to 18 cm long, glabrous below, glandular-pilose towards the apex, with 2 alternate lanceolate bracts on the upper part. Sepals oblong-lanceolate, obtuse, 7-9 mm long, with 2-5 elongate orange apical calli. Corolla 2.2-2.8 cm long, white, or lemon-yellow, with a funnel-shaped pale yellow tube; petals cuneate-obovate, slightly attenuate at the base, sometimes retuse at the apex, 1.2-1.7 cm broad. Filaments, the shorter 3-4 mm, the longer 4.5-7 mm long, minutely glandular-pilose below, glabrous above, prominently gibbose. Ovary minutely glandular-pilose on the upper half, the chambers usually 4-ovuled; styles minutely glandular. Capsule conical, shortly exserted. Seeds without endosperm.
Acaulescent or short-stemmed geophyte, up to ± 100 mm tall. Bulb tunics forming a neck from long filiform tips. Leaves suberect, petiole with broad membranous wings at base, leaflets 8-12, linear to linear-cuneate, notched at apex. Flower 1 per peduncle, white or lemon-yellow, with a pale yellow tube.