Dwarf, stemless, canescent, glaucous, up to 5 cm high. Bulbs congested, narrow-ovoid, up to 2 cm long, attenuate into a curved beak at the apex; tunics very numerous, thin, dark brown, shining, in a loose elongate mass up to 15 cm long, some more or less lanceolate, acutely pointed, the majority narrow-linear, undulate, contorted and interwoven. Rhizome 10-15 cm long, with rather large scales. Leaves often numerous, 30-100 or more, closely rosulate; petioles densely pilose, often 2-4 cm long; leaflets 3, subsessile, conduplicate-falcate, the margins conspicuously undulate, pilose, sparsely above, densely beneath, the medial ovate, 0.5-1 cm long, 3.5-8 mm broad, truncate, lightly incised at the apex, very shortly cuneate at the base, the lateral more orbicular. Peduncles 1-fld., 1-3 cm long, pilose, with 2 alternate linear bracts. Sepals more or less lanceolate, densely pilose, 4-5.5 mm long. Corolla 2 cm long, pale rose, with a pale yellow funnel-shaped tube; laminae of the petals subcuneate, obliquely truncate at the apex, up to 7 mm broad, rather longer than the attenuate claw. Filaments, the shorter 3 mm, the longer 4.5-7.5 mm long, glandular-pilose, edentate. Ovary cano-villose on the upper half, the chambers 1-ovuled; styles with a few simple hairs near the base, glandular-pilose above. Seeds without endosperm.