Erect, caulescent, up to 30 cm high. Bulb lanceolate in outline, about 4 cm long, sharply acute or beaked at the apex, with a contractile root; tunics thin, rather pale brown, undulate, woolly, particularly on the upper part. Rhizome long, pubescent. Stem rigid, usually green, pubescent on the lower part, with a few scales, sometimes with short branchlets or a few leaves. Leaves 6-12, apically congested; petioles filiform, ascending, sparsely pubescent, 2-3 cm long; leaflets 3, more or less pendulous, shortly petiolulate, linear or oblong, or rarely obcordate, minutely incised at the apex, conduplicate, slightly falcate, glabrous above, sparsely pubescent beneath, 1-1.5 cm long, with numerous orange (black when dry) callose dots. Peduncles 1-fld., apical, or sometimes one arising from an upper cauline scale, 3-4 cm long, glabrous or sparsely villose, with 2 opposite subulate callose bracts at the upper articulation. Sepals oblong, obtuse, unequal, 4-6 mm long, purple-margined, sparsely pubescent, ciliate, with 6-10 linear orange apical calli. Corolla glandular-viscid, up to 2 cm long, brick-red, with a greenish tube; petals subcuneate, attenuate at the base, obliquely rotundate at the apex. Filaments, the longer 6.5-7 mm long, clothed with both simple and glandular hairs, edentate. Ovary pubescent, with red calli on the upper half, the chambers 2-3 ovuled; styles with both simple and capitate hairs.
Caulescent geophyte to 30 cm. Leaves terminal, trifoliolate, leaflets narrowly oblong-conduplicate, pendulous, sparsely hairy beneath, punctate. Flowers brick-red with greenish tube, viscid, peduncle articulated.