Slender, caulescent, shortly pubescent, 3-6 cm high. Bulb broadly lanceolate in outline, about 4 cm long, swollen in the lower part, with brown papery imbricating tunics. Rhizome often 12 cm long. Stem slender, with a few scales or subsessile leaves. Leaves8-20, apically congested, sometimes 1-2 cauline: petioles filiform, up to 2 cm long, the outer shorter or often squamiform: leaflets 3, sessile, linear-oblong or very narrowly elliptical, narrowing subcuneately to the base, minutely emarginate, more or less conduplicate, slightly falcate, glabrous above, eciliate. Peduncles 1-4, 1-fld., scarcely 1 cm long, with 2 small subulate alternate bracts near the apex. Sepals broadly lanceolate, often dull brick-red, darkening at the apex. Corolla 1.6-2.2 cm long, lilaceous, with a pubescent cylindrical tube: laminae of the petals obovate or narrow-obovate, 4-8 mm broad, greenish and minutely pubescent on the outer margin beneath, a little shorter than the narrow claw. Filaments, the shorter glabrous, the longer minutely glandular-pilose, the longest 1-5 cm long, well exserted from the corolla tube. Ovary pubescent on the upper half, the chambers ovuled: styles sparsely pubescent below, minutely glandular-pilose above, the longest exserted. Capsule globose. Seeds without endosperm.
Slender, caulescent geophyte, 30-150 mm tall. Bulb tunics papery, brown. Leaves apically congested, sometimes a few along stem, leaflets 3, linear-oblong to narrowly elliptical, ± conduplicate and falcate, shortly hairy beneath. Flowers 1 per peduncle, with alternate bracts near calyx, lilac, corolla tube cylindrical, pubescent, calyx often dull brick-red.