Erect, caulescent, 6-16 cm high, rather densely and coarsely pubescent. Bulb ovoid, acute, about 2 cm long: tunics subrigid, darkish brown, minutely foveolate. Stem 4-11 cm long, with a few scales or abortive leaves below, rather densely leafy on the upper part, some-times branching. Leaves imbricating: lower petioles squamiform often 2 mm long, those towards the apex of the stem articulated, thebasal part squamiform, terete above the articulation, up to 4-5 mm long: leaflets 3, linear or linear-cuneate, conduplicate, slightly falcate, obtuse, emarginate, 4-7 mm long, glabrous above, pubescent beneath, introrsely ciliate, minutely brown-dotted when dry. Peduncles several fld., axillary, 2-4 cm long, with 2 alternate linear adpressed bracts towards the calyx. Sepals lanceolate, 4-5 mm long, darkening towards the apex. Corolla 1.2-1.9 cm long, pale rosy-violaceous, with a bright yellow funnel-shaped sparsely pubescent tube: laminae of the petals obovate, 5-9 mm, broad, about as long as the tapering claw. Filaments sparsely glandular-pilose, the longer 3-5-8 mm long, edentate. Ovary cano-pubescent on the upper half, callose, the chambers usually 2-3-ovuled: styles pubescent below, with pluri-cellular capitate hairs above.
Like O. hirta but slender with flexuose stem, dark, firm tunics and upper leaves shortly petiolate. Flowers lilac with yellow tube.