Dwarf, stemless, slender, often 4-8 cm high, more or less densely clothed, except on the leaflets, with pluricellular gland-tipped hairs. Bulb broadly ovoid, attenuate at the base, often shortly rostrate at the apex, rarely more than 1 cm long, the tunics hard, sharply and irregularly angled and pitted, or in some forms merely roughly veined, dark brown. Rhizome slender, usually short. Leaves about 3-10 or rarely numerous: petioles often 1-2 cm long, the outer usually broadened with stipule-like wings below the basal articulation: leaflets 3, subsessile or shortly petiolulate, the medial widely cuneate-rotund or sub-obdeltoid, somewhat flattened and lightly incised or retuse on the anterior margin, 2-5 mm long, 3-6 mm broad, the lateral often smaller, narrower and entire, glabrous, fleshy and impresso-punctate on both faces when dried, ecallose, minutely ciliate with gland-tipped hairs, often livid below. Peduncles 1-fld., 2-3times as long as the leaves, with 2 minute alternate linear bracts on the upper part. Sepals narrowly oval, ovate or obovate, obtuse 2-3 mm. Long, glandular-pilose and ciliate, ecallose. Corolla 0-6-1-4 cm long, glandular-pilose, white or pale violet, with a rather widely funnel-shaped yellow or greenish-yellow tube: petals cuneate, rounded at the apex. Filaments minutely glandular-pilose, the shorter 2-3-5 mm, the longer3-5-5 mm long, gibbose or edentate. Ovary glandular-pilose on the upper half, the chambers 4-6-ovuled: styles minutely glandular. Capsule subglobose. Seeds endospermous.
Dwarf, acaulescent geophyte, bulb small, sharply angled and pitted. Leaves trifoliolate, fleshy, leaflets cuneate-rotund, with large epidermal cells. Flowers white or lilac with yellowish tube.