Climbing subligneous shrub to 6 m; pubescence yellow to rusty, long hirsute; stems profusely branched, brownish, new branches hirsute, glabrescent; inter-nodes 5-40 cm long, shortened at the apex and on the small lateral aborted branches which bear a fascicle of leaves. Leaflets elliptic to rhombiform or rhom-bic ovate, 14-45 mm long, 10-26 mm wide, obtuse or subacute, the middle leaflet longer, the lateral leaflets somewhat asymmetric, both faces pubescent, glabres-cent above, ciliate; petiolules ca. 1 mm thick, pubescent; petioles filiform, 1?/2-2 times the length of the blades, pubescent, swollen at the base. Inflorescences with cymes bifid, loosely 3-5-flowered, pubescent; peduncles to 5 cm long; bracts 3-7 mm long; bracteoles 1.5-2 mm long, linear, narrow, pubescent; pedicels 3-5 mm long, articulate near the base. Flowers with the sepals oblong or linear oblong, 4-5.5 mm long, 1.5-2 mm wide, obtuse, densely ciliate at the tip; petals yellow, obovate, subspathulate, 10-17 mm long, the longer stamens 5-8 mm long, hirsute, the shorter stamens ca. 3 mm long, enlarged towards the base, connate to 1/3; pistils 7-10 mm long, macro-, meso-, and microstylous, the styles hirsute, the stigma bifid, enlarged, papillose, the ovary densely pubescent, the carpels 3-ovuled. Capsule oblong or ovoid 7-9 mm long, densely tomentose, the calyx /2 as long as the capsule, the carpels setose inside, 2-3-seeded; seed dark colored ca. 2.25 mm long, semiovoid, flattened, 13-14-ribbed, the ribs tuberculate.