Acaulescent geophyte, up to 0.2 m high. Bulbs ovoid to lanceolate, smooth, brown. Leaves basally congested, trifoliolate, leaflets suborbicular-obcordate. Peduncles 3-12-flowered. Flowers pink with greenish tube. Sepals with apical calli. Flowering time Oct.-May.
It appears to differ from the foregoing (O. bowiei Lind.) in usually, but not always having smaller leaves, more deeply bilobed leaflets, rusty apical callion the sepals, seeds with thick endosperm and in sometimes producing an exserted stem.
Herb, up to 400 mm tall. Bulb with contractile root, bulb tunics smooth. Rhizome without runners. Sepals with rusty apical calli. Peduncles basal. Flowers purplish pink with yellow tube.