Oxalis stricta L.

Common yellow woodsorrel (en), Oxalis de Dillenius (fr), Oxalide de Dillenius (fr), Oxalis dressé (fr)


Angiosperms > Oxalidales > Oxalidaceae > Oxalis


Annuals or short-lived perennials, all vegetative parts (except petioles) variably pubescent with simple and multiseptate hairs. Stems to 30 cm, usually single when young, erect, branching and finally decumbent with age but not rooting at nodes; underground stolons usually present. Stipules absent or rounded and inconspicuous. Leaves alternate or sometimes almost opposite or whorled; petiole (2-)3-8(-12) cm, pubescent with simple and at least some septate trichomes at base; leaflet blades obcordate, (0.3-)0.8-1.8(-2.5) × (0.3-)1.2-3(-3.5) cm, green, abaxially sparsely pubescent, adaxially glabrous, apex deeply emarginate. Inflorescences dichotomous cymes, sometimes umbellate, 2-5(-7)-flowered; peduncle ca. 2 × as long as petioles or longer, base with a swollen articulation; bracts linear, 1.5-2 × ca. 1 mm, glabrous or with very sparse trichomes. Pedicels (3-)5-10 mm, erect in fruit, pubescent with simple and septate hairs. Sepals linear to narrowly elliptic, 4-7 × 1-2 mm, margin ciliate. Petals pale yellow, oblong-obovate, 5-10 × 2-3 mm. Capsule cylindric, 8-15 × 2-3.5 mm, 5-sided, glabrous or pubescent with only septate trichomes. Seeds 4-10 per locule, brown to brownish red, ovoid-oblong, 1-1.5 × 0.8-1 mm, transversely ridged. Fl. and fr. Feb-Oct. 2n = 24.
Herbs annual or short-lived perennial, caulescent, rhizomes present, <short>, stolons absent, bulbs absent. Aerial stems 1(–3) from base, erect or later leaning or falling over and decumbent, <not rooting at nodes>, 20–60(–90) cm, herbaceous, villous, <hairs ± straight, spreading, usually nonseptate and septate, septate hairs commonly concentrated at nodes, very rarely only nonseptate>. Leaves basal and cauline; stipules rudimentary; petiole 2–8 cm, <hairs septate and nonseptate>; leaflets 3, light green to yellowish green, obcordate, (8–)10–20(–30) mm, lobed 1/5–1/3 length, surfaces glabrous, oxalate deposits absent. Inflorescences usually regular cymes, rarely irregular cymes, (1–)5–7(–15)-flowered; peduncles 3–9(–11) cm. Flowers homostylous or slightly to strongly heterostylous, <usually within or slightly above level of leaves>; sepal apices without tubercles; petals yellow, without red lines, (6–)8–11 mm. Capsules ± cylindric, nearly terete, abruptly tapering to apex, 8–15 mm, villous to puberulent or glabrate, <hairs septate>. <Seeds brown, transverse ridges rarely white>. 2n = 18, 24.
Erect or ascending, sts scrambling herb up to 2-(3) dm. tall, from a stout to slender sts multicipital stock merging into a long taproot. Lower branches wiry decumbent then ascending; upper ± spreading, glab. to pilose. Lvs trifoliolate, on slender glab. to pilose petioles up to 2 cm. or more long; stipules 0 or occ. present and minute. Lflts rather pale green, obovate, emarginate, cuneately narrowed to base, 8-10-(20) mm. diam., us. glabrate, margins sts ciliate, sinus us. rather broad. Peduncles up to ± 15 cm. long, (1)-5-(8)-fld; pedicels up to ± 1 cm. long; bracteoles linear-lanceolate, minute. Fls ± 5 mm. diam.; sepals narrow-ovate, subacute, ± 6 mm. long; petals yellow, obovate to cuneiform, ± 8 mm. long. Capsule 10-15 mm. long, cylindric, clad in long hairs or glabrate; styles persistent. Seeds several to many, brown, glossy.
Perennial from long slender rhizomes, prostrate to more often erect and to 5 dm; stems pubescent with spreading, blunt-tipped, septate hairs, sometimes also strigose, seldom glabrous; stipules none; lfls 1–2 cm wide, usually glabrous to merely ciliate; peduncles usually exceeding the fls, 2–7-fld; pet 4–9 mm, yellow; fr 8–15 mm, provided with spreading, flexuous, septate hairs; 2n=18–24. Nearly cosmopolitan weed, often in natural habitats as well, probably originally native to N. Amer. Numerous infraspecific taxa are often defined on the distribution and orientation of the hairs. (O. europaea; O. corniculata, misapplied; Xanthoxalis stricta; X. bushii; X. cymosa; X. rufa)
An upright herb. It has an underground stem or rhizome. It has a taproot. It is hairy. The stems are 30 cm tall. They form roots at the nodes. The leaves have 3 heart shaped leaflets. The leaflets have a crease in the centre. The flowers are yellow.
Life form perennial
Growth form herb
Growth support -
Foliage retention -
Sexuality hermaphrodite
Pollination entomogamy
Spread autochory
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) 0.3
Root system creeping-root rhizome tap-root
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color
Blooming months
Fruit color -
Fruiting months
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway -


It is a temperate plant. In China it grows in forests and ravines between 400-1,500 m above sea level.
Dry open soils. Prefers impoverished soils, growing in abandoned fields, roadsides etc.
Light 7-9
Soil humidity 1-6
Soil texture 4-6
Soil acidity 3-7
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 4-9


The leaves are eaten raw or cooked as a green vegetable. They are also chewed to quench thirst. The seed pods are edible. The flowers are roots are also eaten.
Uses dye fodder forage medicinal
Edible flowers leaves pods roots seeds
Therapeutic use Oral Aid (leaf), Blood Medicine (root), Febrifuge (unspecified), Gastrointestinal Aid (unspecified), Oral Aid (unspecified), Other (unspecified), Witchcraft Medicine (unspecified), Dermatological Aid (unspecified), Cancer(Armpit) (unspecified), Thirst (unspecified)
Human toxicity toxic (aerial)
Animal toxicity toxic (aerial)


Can be grown by seedlings.
Mode seedlings
Germination duration (days) 14 - 60
Germination temperacture (C°) 15 - 19
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -



Oxalis stricta habit picture by Yoan MARTIN (cc-by-sa)
Oxalis stricta habit picture by Eli Small (cc-by-sa)
Oxalis stricta habit picture by PT (cc-by-sa)


Oxalis stricta leaf picture by maxinlght (cc-by-sa)
Oxalis stricta leaf picture by Abbie Raymond (cc-by-sa)
Oxalis stricta leaf picture by William Coville (cc-by-sa)


Oxalis stricta flower picture by maxinlght (cc-by-sa)
Oxalis stricta flower picture by William Coville (cc-by-sa)
Oxalis stricta flower picture by Dan Whitehouse (cc-by-sa)


Oxalis stricta fruit picture by Ernst Fürst (cc-by-sa)
Oxalis stricta fruit picture by Yoan MARTIN (cc-by-sa)
Oxalis stricta fruit picture by Tom Christiansen (cc-by-sa)


Oxalis stricta world distribution map, present in Albania, Austria, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Belarus, Canada, Switzerland, China, Czech Republic, Germany, Denmark, Spain, Estonia, France, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Greece, Croatia, Italy, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Latvia, Mexico, North Macedonia, Montenegro, New Zealand, Korea (Democratic People's Republic of), Russian Federation, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, and United States of America


LSID urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:178499-2
WFO ID wfo-0000387064
BDTFX ID 47136
INPN ID 111881
Wikipedia (EN) Link
Wikipedia (FR) Link


Oxalis europaea f. cymosa Oxalis navieri Oxalis bushii Oxalis lejeunei Oxalis cymosa Oxalis interior Oxalis fontana Acetosella fontana Oxalis oneidica Oxys stricta Oxalis stricta Oxalis coloradensis Ceratoxalis coloradensis Ceratoxalis cymosa Ceratoxalis stricta Xanthoxalis fontana Oxalis europaea Xanthoxalis interior Acetosella chinensis Acetosella stricta Xanthoxalis rufa Oxalis stricta f. stricta Oxalis fontana f. villicaulis Xanthoxalis europaea f. villicaulis Xanthoxalis europaea f. cymosa Xanthoxalis stricta f. viridiflora Oxalis interior Oxalis rufa Oxalis stricta f. cymosa Oxalis shinanoensis Xanthoxalis coloradensis Xanthoxalis cymosa Xanthoxalis bushii Xanthoxalis europaea Xanthoxalis stricta Oxalis chinensis Oxalis europaea f. subglabrata Oxalis europaea f. vestita Oxalis europaea f. pilosella Oxalis europaea f. villicaulis Oxalis europaea var. bushii Oxalis stricta var. piletocarpa Oxalis stricta var. bushii Oxalis fontana var. bushii Oxalis stricta f. villicaulis Oxalis fluminensis f. cymosa Oxalis fluminensis f. pallidiflora Oxalis fluminensis f. subglabrata Oxalis fluminensis f. villicaulis Oxalis stricta f. viridiflora Xanthoxalis europaea f. vestita Oxalis stricta var. viridiflora Oxalis corniculata var. stricta Oxalis repens var. stricta Xanthoxalis stricta var. piletocarpa Xanthoxalis dillenii var. piletocarpa Oxalis stricta var. rufa Oxalis stricta var. villicaulis Xanthoxalis stricta subsp. villicaulis Xanthoxalis fontana subsp. villicaulis Oxalis europaea var. lanulosa Oxalis fluminensis var. bushii Xanthoxalis europaea var. bushii Oxalis fontana var. rufa