Slender, caulescent, 7-10 cm high, pubescent and, except on the leaflets, with capitate and often pluricellular hairs admixed. Bulb ovoid, acute at the apex, 1.5-2 cm long, with rather hard blackish-brown tunics. Rhizome slender, about 2-4 cm long. Stem erect, 4-7 cm long, rarely branching, with 1-2 scales or leaves. Leaves 6-10, apically congested, often one cauline, with filiform petioles 0.8-1.4 cm long: leaflets 3, sessile, narrow-linear, conduplicate, slightly falcate, emarginate, 1-1.5 cm long, 1-1.5 mm broad, glabrous or sparsely pubescent beneath. Peduncles 1-fld., terminal, 1.5-2.5 cm long, with 2 minute bracts or ebracteate. Sepals lanceolate, 2.5-3 mm long, ciliate, darkening towards the apex, ecallose. Corolla 1.4-1.7 cm long, white, glandular, with a rather widely funnel-shaped dull yellow tube: petals subcuneate, 6-8 mm broad, slightly attenuate below, rounded above. Filaments, the shorter 2-3 mm, the longer 3-5.5 mm long, glandular-pilose, with obtuse teeth about 0.5 mm long. Ovary scarcely 1 mm long, pubescent on the upper half, ecallose, the chambers 1-ovuled: styles pubescent below, glandular-pilose above. Seeds endospermous.
Glandular-hairy, caulescent geophyte to 10 cm, rarely branching. Leaves terminal, trifoliolate, leaflets linear-conduplicate, glabrescent beneath. Flowers white with yellow tube.