Stemless or with the stem shortly exserted, 6-12 cm high, densely silky-villous. Bulb oblong-ovoid, 1.5-2 cm long, the acute apical point often curved: tunic, greyish-brown. Rhizome usually 15 cm long or more, rather thick pilose, often enclosed in a tunicaceous cortex. Stem not exserted or more rarely up to 2 cm long, densely pilose, with several large ovate pilose scales. Leaves 5-15, subrosulate, increasing greatly in size after flowering: petioles up to 5 cm long, with patent hairs: leaflets 10-20, peltately spreading, oblong-cuneate, 0.6-1.6 cm long, often conduplicate, minutely emarginate, rather densely adpresso-pilose on both faces, ciliate with both erecto-patent and introrse hairs. Peduncles 1-fld., stout, as long or twice as long as the leaves, pilose with spreading hairs, with 2 linear pilose bracts imbricating the calyx. Sepals lanceolate, 5-7 mm long, densely silky-pubescent. Corolla 2.5-3.3 cm long, white, with a rather narrowly funnel-shaped pubescent yellow tube: laminae of the petals broadly cuneate-obovate, pubescent along the outer margin beneath, slightly longer than the claw. Filaments, the shorter 3-4.5 mm, the longer 4.5-7 mm long, minutely glandular-pilose, with short broad obtuse teeth. Ovary densely pubescent on the upper half, ecallose, the chambers 1-ovuled: styles pubescent, with some capitate hairs above. Seeds without endosperm.
Densely silky hairy, acaulescent geophyte. Leaves trifoliolate, silky hairy, leaflets 10-20, oblong-cuneate. Flowers white with yellow tube.