Stemless, or the stem shortly exserted, 10-12 cm high, densely silky villose, the hairs often turning. rusty in dried specimens. Bulb, when mature, ovoid-conical, rostrate, up to 5 cm long, the younger narrow-conical: tunics rather loose, hard, imbricating, dark brown, often vertically ridged. Rhizome 4-12 cm long, pubescent, with rather large semi-amplexicaul scales. Leaves 2-8, rosulate; petioles 1-6 cm long, densely pilose: leaflets 3, subsessile, rather thick, triangular, triangular-obcordate or very broadly cuneate-obovate, truncate and sometimes emarginate, lightly retuse or rarely obcordately incised on the anterior margin, commonly 0-8-1 cm long, 1-1-7 cm broad, increasing in size after the flowering period, densely silky and usually violaceous beneath, more thinly adpressed-silky or rarely glabrous above, densely ciliate. Peduncles1-fld., 2-10 cm long, villose, with 2 subulate opposite bracts at an articulation on the upper part. Sepals broadly lanceolate, sometimes obtuse, about 5 mm long, densely villose, with numerous elongate reddish calli on the upper part and near the margins, often concealed by the hairs. Corolla 1-4-2-4 cm long, pubescent, rather pale violet, with a broadish funnel-shaped yellow tube: laminae of the petals cuneate or cuneate-obovate, obliquely truncate, twice as long as the tapering claw. Filaments minutely glandular-pilose, the shorter 2-4-5 mm, the longer4-7 mm long, with short obtuse or truncate teeth. Ovary thickly pilose on the upper half, the chambers 2-ovuled: styles pubescent. Capsule subglobose, shorter than the calyx. Seeds endospermous.
Robust acaulescent geophyte. Leaves trifoliolate, leaflets cuneate-obovate, dark green, leathery, purple and densely silky beneath. Flowers lilac with yellow tube, peduncle articulated.