Erect, caulescent, 10-17 cm high, rather densely clothed with viscid gland-tipped and often pluricellular hairs. Bulb oval or ovoid, acute at the apex, up to 1.7 cm long, with rather thin, brown tunics. Rhizome usually short. Stem 5-15 cm long, rather densely leafy, with 1-2 scales towards the base, rarely with very short branchlets. Leaves cauline, alternate, rather numerous, the lower petioles very short, squamiform, the upper terete, up to 3 mm long: leaflets 3, subsessile, linear-cuneate, often conduplicate, acute, emarginate, 0.6-1 cm long, 2-2.5 mm broad, rather thin, glabrous above, pilose beneath, ciliate. Peduncles 1-fld., slender, in the axils of the upper leaves, 2-6 cm long, with 2 minute alternate bracts above the middle. Sepals lanceolate, 3-4.5 mm long. Corolla 1.3-1.8 cm long, glandular-viscid, white, with a widely funnel-shaped yellow tube: petals obliquely cuneate, sub-truncate, slightly attenuate at the base. Filaments glandular-pilose, the longer 3.5-5.5 mm long, with short obtuse teeth. Ovary glandular on the upper half, the chambers 1-ovuled: styles densely glandular-pilose. Seeds without endosperm.
Glandular-hairy, caulescent geophyte with leafy stem to 17 cm. Leaves, trifoliolate, lower subsessile with scale-like petioles, leaflets linear-cuneate, hairy beneath. Flowers white with yellow tube.