Slender, caulescent, 8-19 cm high. Bulb ovoid or globose-ovoid, slightly attenuate at the apex, about 1-5 cm long: tunics thin, pale brown, inconspicuously impresso-punctate, longitudinally nerved. Rhizome short. Stem rigid, simple or sparsely branched, 3-15 cm long, glabrous or sparsely pubescent, green, with 1-3 brown scales or 1-2 abortive leaves. Leaves up to 14, apically congested: petioles 1-2 cm long, glabrous or sparsely pubescent: leaflets 3, sessile, linear, often conduplicate or involute, slightly emarginate, up to 2 cm long, 1-1.5 mm broad, glabrous above, sparsely pubescent beneath, with 2 elongate apical calli, inconspicuously black-dotted. Peduncles 1-fld., 1.5-2 cm long, pubescent, with 2 alternate callose bracts above the middle. Sepals lanceolate, 3.5-4 mm long, sparsely pubescent, ciliate, with elongate orange calli at the margins and apex. Corolla 2-2.4 cm long, bright yellow (drying golden yellow), with a rather widely funnel-shaped concolorous tube: petals obliquely obovate, attenuate to a short claw, 0.9-1.1 cm broad. Filaments, the shorter 2.5-4 mm, the longer 4-7.5 mm long, unequal, sparsely pluricellular-pilose, edentate. Ovary slender, canopubescent and callose on the upper half, the chambers 5-6-ovuled: styles densely pluricellular-pilose: stigmas golden. Capsule moniliform, up to 1.5 cm long, well exserted from the calyx. Seeds without endosperm.
Caulescent geophyte with slender stem to 15 cm. Leaves terminal, trifoliolate, leaflets linear-conduplicate, thinly hairy beneath. Flowers bright yellow.