Oxyanthus goetzei K.Schum.


Angiosperms > Gentianales > Rubiaceae > Oxyanthus


Shrub 1–4 m. tall; young branches sometimes slightly grooved, glabrous.. Leaf-blades elliptic to broadly elliptic, 6.3–16.8 cm. long, 2.3–7.9 cm. wide, acute to acuminate at apex, acute to obtuse at base, glabrous above, often with a few stiff hairs on the midrib beneath or occasionally pubescent, thinly coriaceous to coriaceous, midrib straw-coloured, raised above, tertiary nerves finely reticulate, usually apparent on both faces; domatia often present; petioles 2–8 mm. long, channelled above, glabrous or with a few stiff hairs; stipules triangular, 0.6–3.5 cm. long, 3–6(–7) mm. wide at base, acute.. Inflorescence 1–8-flowered, forming narrow compact panicles at the top node or next 1–3 nodes down, subsessile or with a peduncle not exceeding 3 mm. long; pedicels up to 5 mm. long; bracts and bracteoles lanceolate, 4–9 mm. long, often ciliate.. Calyx glabrous; tube 2–5 mm. long; limb-tube 1.75–2.5 mm. long, slightly wider than the tube; lobes triangular at base, subulate above, 2–3.5(–5) mm. long, ciliate.. Corolla yellowish or white; tube (5.8–)7.2–11.2 cm. long, 1.75–2.25 mm. wide; lobes oblong, 1.2–3 cm. long, 3–5 mm. wide, acuminate.. Anthers mostly exserted, acuminate.. Stigmatic club spindle-shaped, 4–5 mm. long, acuminate.. Fruit brownish when dry, ellipsoid to spindle-shaped, 2.9–4.5 cm. long, 1.1–1.8 cm. wide; calyx-limb persistent.. Seeds rusty brown, 7–8 mm. long, strongly striated.
Leaf blades 6.3–17 × 2.3–8 cm, elliptic to broadly elliptic, occasionally oblong-elliptic, or sometimes narrowly elliptic, acute to acuminate at apex, acute to obtuse at base, glabrous on upper surface, often with stiff hairs on the midrib beneath or scabrid-pubescent in a band on either side of midrib or all over lower surface, stiffly papery to subcoriaceous; midrib straw-coloured, crested above, prominent below; lateral nerves in 5–7 main pairs; tertiary nerves reticulate, usually apparent on both surfaces; domatia often present; petioles 2–9 mm long, channelled above, glabrous or with a few stiff hairs; stipules 0.4–3.5 cm long, 2.25–6(7) mm wide at base, narrowly triangular, triangular-linear, acute or acuminate, or sometimes abruptly narrowing to a linear lobe, often becoming subulate at top, mid-nerve apparent.
Inflorescences borne at the top node or the next 1–3 nodes down, 1–9-flowered, forming narrow compact panicles occasionally with branches discernible when mature, sessile or with a peduncle not exceeding 3 mm long; pedicels up to 5 mm long; bracts/bracteoles 4–9 mm long, lanceolate, often ciliate.
Calyx glabrous except for the ciliate lobes; tube 2–5 mm long; limb-tube 1.75–2.5 mm long, slightly wider than tube; lobes 2–3.5(5) mm long, triangular at base, subulate above.
Anthers mostly exserted, with fine apiculum, 0.3–0.6 mm long, often reflexing at apex, shortly hastate at base.
Fruit brownish when dry, 2.9–4.5 × 1.1–1.8 cm, ellipsoid to spindle-shaped; calyx limb persistent.
Corolla glabrous; tube (5.8)7.2–11.2 × 0.17–0.22 cm; lobes 1.2–3 × 3–5 mm, oblong, acuminate.
Shrub 1–4 m tall; young branches sometimes grooved, glabrous.
Pollen presenter 4–5 mm long, spindle-shaped, acuminate.
Seeds rusty-brown, 7–8 mm long, strongly striated.
Life form -
Growth form shrub
Growth support -
Foliage retention -
Sexuality hermaphrodite
Pollination -
Spread -
Mature width (meter) -
Mature height (meter) 1.0 - 4.0
Root system -
Rooting depth (meter) -
Root diameter (meter) -
Flower color -
Blooming months -
Fruit color
Fruiting months -
Nitrogen fixer -
Photosynthetic pathway -


Light -
Soil humidity -
Soil texture -
Soil acidity -
Soil nutriment -
Hardiness (USDA) 9-12


Uses -
Edible -
Therapeutic use -
Human toxicity -
Animal toxicity -


Mode -
Germination duration (days) -
Germination temperacture (C°) -
Germination luminosity -
Germination treatment -
Minimum temperature (C°) -
Optimum temperature (C°) -
Size -
Vigor -
Productivity -


Oxyanthus goetzei world distribution map, present in Kenya, Mozambique, Tanzania, United Republic of, and Zimbabwe

Conservation status

Oxyanthus goetzei threat status: Least Concern


LSID urn:lsid:ipni.org:names:758774-1
WFO ID wfo-0000261771
Wikipedia (EN)
Wikipedia (FR)


Oxyanthus goetzei Oxyanthus swynnertonii var. breviflora

Lower taxons

Oxyanthus goetzei subsp. goetzei Oxyanthus goetzei subsp. keniensis