Shrubs 1-2 m tall. Stems obtusely 4-sided or terete, with densely patently glandular trichomes when young. Petiole 1.5-5.5(-6) cm, with dense glandular trichomes; leaf blade ovate to elliptic, 11-16.5(-19) × 5-7.5(-9) cm, papery to nearly membranous, both surfaces furfuraceous squamose, secondary veins 2 or 3 on each side of midvein, base rounded to subcordate, margin denticulate with each tooth having a terminal seta, apex acuminate. Inflorescences terminal, a cymose panicle, 12-25 × 2.6-6 cm, furfuraceous stellate, with 2 leaflike bracts at base. Bractlets and bracteoles subulate, ca. 1 mm, caducous. Hypanthium narrowly urceolate, ca. 6 mm, longitudinally 8-ribbed. Calyx lobes inconspicuous, apex apiculate. Petals pink to red, ovate, ca. 6 mm. Longer and shorter stamens with connective swollen and shortly spurred at base. Ovary fusiform. Capsule elliptic, ca. 5.5 × 4 mm; hypanthium urceolate, apically contracted. Fl. Oct, fr. Mar.