Glabrous tree without buttresses, robust in all its parts. Leaves 1-pinnate; rachis and petiole sharp-keeled above. Thyrses coarse, erect, terminal; branches scattered, 1-3 times dichotomous. Calyx closed in bud, campanulate, coriaceous, with 5 irregular lobes, articulated with the pedicel. Corolla large, ventricose-campanulate, ± constricted above basal tube, zygomorphous; lobes 5, spreading to recurved, nearly equal, 2 lobes connate halfway up, imbricate in bud. Stamens 4, inserted at apex of lower tube, didynamous, subexserted, 5th rudimentary; filaments thick, anther-cells divergent. Disk large, annular, fleshy. Ovary oblong-cylindric; ovules in each cell, on 2 placentas,-seriate. Capsule flat, obovate-lanceolate, tipped, valves broadly winged along the margin. Seeds in several rows on the edges of the septum, compressed, hyaline-winged.
Lowland evergreen mixed forests, in the Andaman Is. also in deciduous forest.I assume bats visit the probably nocturnal flowers, but there are no direct records.