Plants large, in moderately loose tufts, deep green to brownish or olive green. Stems creeping to ascending, moderately to very densely terete-foliate, irregularly pinnate, branches terete-foliate; central strand weak; pseudoparaphyllia acute; axillary hairs of 3-6 cells. Stem leaves erect, imbricate, lanceolate-triangular, ovate-lanceolate, or lanceolate, weakly concave, deeply plicate, or not plicate in slender plants; base slightly auriculate proximally; margins coarsely serrate; apex gradually tapered, narrowly acute, or somewhat acuminate; costa subpercurrent, slender, terminal spine small, inconspicuous; alar cells subquadrate, small, ; laminal cells elongate, relatively short, walls moderately thick; basal juxtacostal cells short-ovate. Branch leaves similar, somewhat narrower, somewhat shorter. Sexual condition dioicous or phyllodioicous; perichaetial leaf apex reflexed. [Seta red-brown, smooth. Capsule erect, reddish brown, ovoid-cylindric; annulus separating by fragments; operculum long, gradually tapered. Calyptra naked. Spores 9-20 µm].