Trees 5-8 m tall, the trunk 10 cm or more dbh, the twiglets much branched, angular, glabrous, smooth, the internodes 1.5-5 cm apart, the nodes knotty, turgid, the petiole scars conspicuous. Leaves oblong rotund or oblong, 6-9 cm long, 3.2-6 cm wide, regularly less than twice as long as wide, rounded or obtuse at the apex, rarely deltoid, the acumen absent or to 3 mm long, rounded or widely cuneate at base, the costa slender, prominulous beneath, the submarginal undu-late vein 1-3 mm from margin, the interval areas indistinct above, reticulate beneath, the margin plane or scarcely revolute, thickly coriaceous, drying dull yellow green, glabrous, lustrous; petioles 1.5-2.5 cm long, rigid, glabrous; stip-ules connate, the sheath less than 1 mm long, truncate, coriaceous, glabrous, the awns scarcely measurable, widely spaced. Inflorescences terminal, exceeding the uppermost leaves, cymose paniculate, 8-12.5 cm long, 3-7 cm wide, the peduncle 4-7 cm long, to 0.27 cm wide, angular, drying black, glabrous, the lowermost branches opposite, rigid, angular-ascending, the upper branches few, usually alternate, the bracteoles minute, triangular subulate, to 2 mm long, the cymes few flowered, often delicately lavender-green. Flowers sessile, the hypanthium ca. 1 mm long, drying black, glabrous, the calyx cup scarcely measurable, the
lobes often lavender, compressed-rotund to ovate-rotund, less than 1 mm long, obtuse, the corolla occasionally falcate in bud, the tube white, yellow at the mouth, tubular, to 6.5 mm long, gibbous at base, constricted in middle, glabrous outside, bearded above the middle within, the lobes 5, oblong, to 4 mm long, often bearded at base; anthers linear-oblong, to 2 mm long, versatile, the filaments longer than the tube, attached near the mouth; style filamentous, as long as the corolla tube, the stigmas linear, to 2.2 mm long; ovarian disc mound-shaped, exceeding the calyx. Fruits oblong, to 1 cm long, to 0.7 cm wide, often falcate (1 seed aborted?), delicately costate, glabrous, drying black.