Woody liana; young branches with minute stellate hairs, often 4-angled. Leaves elliptic or narrowly el-liptic, 5-11.5 by 2.5-4.5 cm, thinly coriaceous, base cuneate or rounded, apex shortly acuminate, obtuse or acute, upper surface becoming glabrous or retaining widely spaced remnants of stellate hairs, lower surface evenly covered with a close, fine indumen-tum (which may become thinner on the midrib and principal veins or rarely over the surface of the bla-de); petiole 5-9 mm long, puberulous. Inflorescence axillary and terminal, pleiochasial, 4—8(—-13) cm long, lateral branches few-flowered, densely covered in greyish pubescence, except that the peduncle and rachis may become glabrous or bear only sparse mi-nute stellate hairs; small caducous bracts below the branches and some pedicels. Male receptacle saucer-shaped, c. 5 mm Ø, with 5-6 deltoid tepals, outer surface with a short dense indumentum; stamens c. 40, sessile, c. 0.75 mm long. Female receptacle ovoid, c. 1.75 mm long, outer surface with indumentum as in male, inner surface with long simple bristles; carpels usually 3; style subulate. Fruit not seen.