Herbs, annual. Stem glabrous. Basal leaves unknown. Lower and middle stem leaves sessile, lanceolate, 10-14 × 3.5-6 cm, pinnatipartite, glabrous, base auriculately clasping, margin weakly sinuate and mucronulately dentate; lateral lobes 2 or 3 pairs, elliptic to narrowly triangular, apex rounded and mucronulate to acute; terminal lobe lanceolate to narrowly triangular, apex acute to acuminate. Upper stem leaves lanceolate, triangular, or narrowly elliptic, undivided, margin inconspicuously dentate or entire, apex acuminate. Synflorescence paniculiform, with some to many capitula. Capitula with usually 10 florets. Involucre 9-11 × ca. 3 mm. Outer phyllaries triangular-ovate to lanceolate, largest 4-5 × ca. 1 mm, apex acute; inner phyllaries ± 8, apex ± obtuse. Florets purple. Achene 3-4 mm, attenuate into a stout ca. 1 mm beaklike apex. Pappus 7-8 mm. Fl. and fr. Jul.