Much-branched, erect shrubs, with rigid branchlets and inflorescences or smaller, extensively branched, rounded shrublets under arid, calcareous habitat conditions, (0.2-)0.3-0.75(-1.1) m high. Stems: older ones grey-brown, indurate, and sclerenchyma fibres exposed; young stems reddish brown, indumentum whitish tomentose, forming lengthwise patterns with cork on older branches, which gradually become glabrous; cork Assuring lengthwise; internodes longer than leaves during prolific lengthening of branchlets or shorter under arid conditions. Leaves greyish green, ascending, appressed. decussate and rigid, or under arid conditions, imbricate (overlapping 5-30%), appressed or ascending, diverging at an angle of up to 30°; lamina narrowly lanceolate or oblong, longitudinally folded, triangular in section, length x depth 2.4-4.3 x 0.7 mm, adaxial surface concave, tomentose, abaxial surface glabrous; base sessile; apex obtuse: margins glabrous, involute. Inflorescences with conspicuous, multiflowered main and co-florescences; spikes robust, rigid, extended, narrowly ellipsoid, with rows of enlarged, decussate, pointed bracts, 20-30-flowered, arrangement subterminal, axis white-tomentose, proliferating growth common. Bracts grey-green, rose-tinted during flowering time, ascending, imbricate, widely ovate, midrib shortly extended into a point, length x depth (4.3-)5.1 x 1.8(-2.0) mm; older bracts folded lengthwise along midrib, younger bracts adaxially concave (inside), abaxially slightly convex (outside), villous inside, glabrous outside, coriaceous; wings widely ovate, chartaceous, ±5-ribbed, reticulately veined; base cuneate: apex acute; margins ciliate in distal half. Floral envelope ±8.4 mm long, papyraceous and yellow-pink during pollination, dehydrated after shedding of pollen, turning red to brown. Hypanthium glabrous at ovary, neck exserted. sparsely pubescent, ±2 mm long. Sepals: outer sepals cymbiform. Ad-and abaxially glabrous, inner sepals obovate, adaxially scantilly tomentose, abaxially glabrous. Androecium with filaments of antipetalous whorl ±0.7 mm and those of antisepalous whorl ±1.7 mm long; anthers ovoid, ±0.9 x 0.3 mm, sub-basifixed, 2-thecous and 4-locular. Ovary ±2.1 x 1.1 mm. Fruit an achene with pericarp membranous and dry, ±2.1 x 1.2 mm, enveloped by persistent, loosely arranged hypanthium, breaking up at neck base due to dehydration and torsification of tissue, resulting in the sepals and androecium being shed.
Shrub or dwarf shrub, 0.3-1.1 m high. Leaves greyish green, decussate, rigid, narrowly lanceolate or oblong, longitudinally folded, 2.4-0.7 mm long, apex obtuse, adaxial surface concave, tomentose, abaxial surface glabrous. Bracts: adaxial surface completely villous; midrib shortly extended into a short point, apex acute, wings ± 5-ribbed. Spikes robust, rigid and extended, glaucous, with up to 30 fertile, enlarged bracts. Flowers papyraceous, yellow-pink, turning red. Hypanthium: neck ± 2.0 mm long, glabrous to sparsely pubescent. Flowering time Oct.-Dec.
Shrublet to 1 m. Leaves lanceolate, hairy beneath, 2.5-5.0 mm long, bracts spreading, ovate-acuminate. Flowers in long, lax spikes, tube ± 3 mm long, neck ± 1 mm long. Fruits dry.