Shrub to about 1.5–3 m. tall; stems covered with whitish hairs, later glabrescent.. Leaf-blades elliptic, 1.2–7.3(–9.5) cm. long, 0.9–3.1(–5.3) cm. wide, obtuse to subacute at the apex, broadly cuneate to rounded at the base, usually yellow-green, mat to very glossy above, glabrous above save for a few hairs on the midnerve, glabrous beneath save for sparse hairs on the main nerves; lateral nerves 6–8 on each side, very prominent beneath, impressed above and the upper leaf-surface often very bullate; petioles 3–5 mm. long, pubescent; stipules ovate-triangular, 4–8(–10.2) mm. long, 1.5–1.8 mm. wide, pubescent.. Flowers heterostylous, in condensed axillary (and? terminal) cymes ± 7 mm. long; peduncles almost obsolete; pedicels 0–1 mm. long; bracts ± 2 mm. long; all pubescent.. Calyx glabrescent or pubescent; tube subglobose or campanulate, 1–1.5 mm. long; limb-tube 0.2–0.4 mm. long; lobes ovate to triangular-lanceolate, 0.9–2.5 mm. long.. Corolla slightly pubescent outside, greenish white; tube 3.8–4.2 mm. long; lobes narrowly triangular, 1.7–3.5 mm. long, 1–1.5 mm. wide.. Stamens exserted about 1/2 the length of corolla-lobes in short-styled flowers.. Disc depressed, glabrous.. Style minutely papillate, 2.3 mm. long in short-styled flowers, 5.5 mm. in long-styled flowers; stigma subcapitate, obscurely 2-lobed in short-styled flowers, with 2 linear lobes in long-styled flowers, 0.7–0.8 mm. long.. Berries subglobose, 5 mm. in diameter.. Seeds yellow-brown, ellipsoid, 8–9 mm. long, 5–6 mm. wide, strongly ridged and pitted.