Deciduous shrub to small tree to 3 m. Stem much-branched from the base. Branchlets velvety. Leaves opposite, elliptic to obovate, 40-55(-90) x 25-38(-45) mm, taper to base & pointed apex, thin, hairs slightly rough above, softly hairy below with raised midrib & veins, nodules line the midrib & lower parts of the main veins, domatia absent. Stalk 6-12 mm. Flowers white, bristly calyx with long, fine lobes. On short stalks, in large, pompon-like clusters. Fruits shiny black, 5 mm diam., crowned by the remains of the long, slender calyx.
Large shrub or tree, up to 6 m high; branches terete, very shortly pubescent. Leaves petiolate; blade broadly elliptic, up to 60 x 45 mm, apex acute, upper surface hairy-scabrous. Flowers: in dense, globose corymbs; calyx teeth setaceous, at least twice as long as tube; corolla with lobes contorted, white; Nov., Dec. Fruit globose, black when ripe, crowned by calyx limb.
Shrub, up to 2 m high. Leaves rhomboid to broadly elliptic, pubescent, petiolate, bacterial nodules dot-shaped, close to main vein in lower two-thirds of lamina. Calyx lobes linear, 5-6 mm long. Corolla tube 10-15 mm long. Flowers white.