Leaves confined to the apices of the branches; blades drying brownish, 8–17 × 3.2–8 cm, narrowly obovate to obovate, rounded or sometimes acute at the apex, cuneate at the base, sparsely pubescent above, pubescent beneath with dense longer hairs on the nerves; lateral nerves in c. 10 main pairs; domatia absent, but sometimes with hairs in nerve axils somewhat denser than surrounding area; bacterial nodules small, dot-like, few to several, scattered; petiole 1–10(15) mm long, densely pubescent; stipules truncate to triangular, 4–8 mm long, acuminate to long acuminate, pubescent or glabrous above and glabrescent at base outside, with silky hairs inside.
Inflorescences compact (sometimes tightly so), 1.5–2.5 cm across (excluding corollas), or rarely (in subsp. A) lax and c. 6.5 mm across; primary inflorescence branches up to 2 mm long, pubescent; secondary branches very reduced; pedicels 2–5 mm long, pubescent; bracts stipule-like; bracteoles inconspicuous.
Inflorescence-supporting branches leafless, 0–12(12.5) cm long arising shortly or immediately below the leafing apices of the main stems, on both sides, or sometimes only one.
Calyx pubescent; tube c. 1 mm long; limb-tube 1–1.5 mm long; slightly wider than the tube; lobes linear-subulate from a triangular base, 1.5–4.5 mm long, c. 0.25 mm wide.
Shrub? or small tree 2–5 m tall; young branches pubescent; older branches gnarled or smooth with buff-coloured or rarely (in subsp. A) red-brown, dull bark.
Corolla tube 1.2–1.4(1.6) × c. 0.1 cm, glabrous outside, not bearded at the throat; lobes 4–5 × 2–2.5 mm.
Fruit black (or red) 6–7 mm in diameter, shiny, sparsely hairy; calyx limb persistent.
Mature seeds not known.