Shrub, 0.03-2.05 m high; mostly densely pubescent. Leaves widely obovate, base cuneate to rounded, apex truncate, denticulate (praemorse), palmately veined; upper surface dark green, pubescent, lower surface densely greyish pubescent; petiolate. Flowers solitary, axillary or terminal; pedicels articulate ± 4 mm from apex. Epicalyx of 9-15 narrowly linear bracts, 4-7 mm long. Calyx 5-lobed to beyond middle, lobes ovate, greyish pubescent. Petals much longer than calyx, lower surface pubescent, salmon-pink or yellow, veined red. Flowering time Sept.-May. Fruit enclosed in calyx. Mericarps 5, 1-seeded, 5-6 mm long, apiculate, dorsally ridged, faintly muricate or foveolate-rugose on dorsal surface, tomentellous.
Shortly velvety, shrubby perennial to 2 m. Leaves broadly cuneate to emarginate, toothed, rough above, pale beneath. Flowers solitary in axils, often on short shoots, yellow veined red, with epicalyx of 8-12 filiform lobes.