Aromatic, much-branched shrublet, 0.4-1.0 m high; branches slender, woody, glandular, covered by remains of petiole bases. Leaves: lamina grey-green, 5-17 x 5-19 mm, variable in shape, 3-or 5-segmented, each subdivided into 3 or more linear lobes with upper surfaces channelled along midrib; canescent, interspersed with many glandular hairs, pleasantly fragrant; petioles relatively long. Inflorescences unbranched, of 1-5-flowered pseudo-umbels. Petals 5, spathulate or obovate, white, pink or mauve, markings red or purple. Flowering time all year.
Erect, much-branched, twiggy shrublet, up to 500 mm tall. Leaves small, feather-like, grey-green, aromatic, blade 5-17 mm long. Flowers 1-5 per peduncle, ± 20 mm diam., petals 5, white to pink or purple, upper 2 with darker reddish markings, hypanthium ± 18 mm long, much longer than pedicel. Almost year-round.
Erect, much-branched shrublet to 50 cm. Leaves small, feather-like, aromatic. Flowers 1-5, ± 20 mm diam., white to pink or purple; hypanthium ± 18 mm long, much longer than pedicel.