Perennial herb, up to 200 mm high. Stems herbaceous, slender, straggling, pubescent. Leaves silky; blade roundish in outline, palmately lobed, with irregular segments, usually 20-70 mm in diameter, base cordate, margins of segments irregularly toothed; zonal marking horseshoeshaped, purple, brown, even dark red. Flowers: peduncle with 3-6(-15) flowers in a pseudoumbel; petals pale to deep pink with darker markings; Oct.-Mar.
Sprawling perennial to 20 cm from woody rootstock. Leaves round, usually lobed, 7 cm diam., often with reddish zonal marking, usually with sparse, silky hairs. Flowers 3-6(-15), 15-20 mm diam., white or yellow or pink; hypanthium 12-35 mm long, much longer than pedicel.