Erect to decumbent soboliferous subshrub, branched from the base, up to 0.2 m high. Stems herbaceous, green but turning brownish with age. Leaves crowded, lamina entire, villous with hairs distally directed, elliptic to broadly ovate, base obtuse, apex obtuse, margin crenate, (14-)18-20(-25) x (8-)15-18(-21) mm; petiole adaxially grooved, villous, usually much longer than lamina, 20-80 mm long; stipules free, linear-triangular, villous, ±8 x 2 mm. Inflorescence: flowering branch with smaller foliar leaves, branched, bearing several reduced 1-3-flowered pseudo-umbels; peduncle 20-100 mm long, puberulous. Pedicel 16-35 mm long, puberulous. Hypanthium 6-10 mm long, puberulous to villous. Sepals 5, narrowly ovate, acuminate, abaxially villous, green with a reddish margin, ±. 8 x 2 mm. Petals 5, adaxially white to pink, abaxially reddish with a white margin; posterior two obovate, clawed, bases reddish and with dark red, shiny, embossed, warty areas, ±. 12 x 4 mm; anterior three obovate and narrowly clawed, bases with reddish markings, ca. 14 x 5 mm. Stamens 10, 7 fertile (4 long, 1 medium, 2 short), 3 staminodes of different lengths, staminal column 1-2 mm long, pollen yellow. Ovary ovate, 5-lobed, pilose; style dark red; stigmas 5, dark red. Mericarps: bases 5 mm long; tails 20-25 mm long.