Subshrub, 0.25-1.00 m high. Leaves petiolate, simple, 45 x 60 mm; lamina palmately 3-6-lobed, segments may also be lobed, base cordate, margins crinkled, irregularly toothed; villous with long, soft hairs, sweetly scented when bruised. Inflorescences capitate, 8-20-flowered, compact, pedicels very short; peduncles villous. Petals 5, cyclamen-purple, pale pink or dark pink-purple; posterior 2 with beetroot-purple stripes, slightly larger than anterior 3. Flowering time all year.
Sprawling shrublet to 50 cm. Leaves cordate, margins lobed and crisped, aromatic, ± 5 cm diam. Flowers to 20 on stout, axillary peduncles, 15-25 mm diam., purple, subsessile; hypanthium 3-8 mm long.