Erect, often many-stemmed, usually non-aromatic shrub, up to 1 m high and 0.5 m in diameter. Stems herbaceous when young but soon becoming woody, densely hirsute with glandular hairs interspersed, green but becoming brownish with age. Leaves distichous, sparsely strigose to strigose with glandular hairs interspersed, green; lamina narrowly to broadly obovate, 3-palmatilobate to 3-palmatisect with the segments variably incised, often somewhat crisped, base cuneate, apex obtuse to acute, margins crenate-serrate, (5-)10-15(-20) x (6-)8-12(-20) mm; petiole (0-)1-3(-8) mm long; stipules cordiform, often cuspidate, ±5 x 4 mm. Inflorescence: flowering branches with normal and smaller foliar leaves, peduncles 5-8 mm long, hirsute to strigose with glandular hairs interspersed; involucral bracts lanceolate to ovate, acuminate, indumentum as on peduncles, 4-5 x 1-2 mm; pseudo-umbels with 1-2(-3) flowers each. Pedicel ±5 mm long. Hypanthium 6-8 mm long, indumentum as on peduncles. Sepals lanceolate, abaxially strigose, green except posterior one which is partially reddish-brown, margins white, ±9 x 2-4 mm. Petals white to pink; posterior two broadly spathulate, apices sometimes emarginate to cleft, with dark red markings, reflexed at ±90°, ±19 x 13 mm; anterior three spathulate with narrow claws, reflexed at less than 90°, ±16 x 6 mm.
Shrublet to 1 m, aromatic. Leaves distichous, wedge-shaped, 3-palmatifid, hard, rough. Flowers 1-3 on very short peduncles, ± 40 mm diam., pinkish purple; hypanthium 6-8 mm long, slightly longer than pedicel.