Tufted, twiggy shrublet, ± 400 mm tall. Leaves digitately divided, blade up to 20 mm long, with segments ± 1 mm wide, rarely simple, ± succulent. Flowers 2 on a short, apparently terminal peduncle, subsessile, ± 20 mm diam., petals 5, white or pale yellow or pink, hypanthium 9-14 mm long.
Tufted shrublet ± 40 cm. Leaves digitately compound with segments ± 1 mm wide, rarely simple, somewhat succulent, 1.5-2.0 cm diam. Flowers 2 on a short and apparently terminal peduncle, ± 20 mm diam., white or pale yellow or pink, subsessile; hypanthium 9-14 mm long.